I must say that this has been one of the best weeks ever and we're only on Wednesday.
I feel so blessed to be a student at BYU and have amazing opportunites that millions and millions of other members of my faith can only dream of.
On Sunday evening, the Prophet himself came to speak on campus. Thomas S. Monson, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints came to speak directly to the student body. Me and my boy Matt Ballard went straight to the Marriott Center after church and set up camp to wait in line about 5 hours before President Monson's address. Despite the freezing weather we made a great time of it, singing hymns with the other students at the head of the line and all just waiting in anticipation of seeing God's prophet up close. The time finally came when they opened the doors and let me tell you, I've never seen such a mad rush through the door. Think Black Friday. Anyways, my friend and I ended up getting the best seats in the house, the front left floor seating. That way we ended up being directly in front of the Prophet as he made his way to and from the podium.
His address was magnificient. He spoke of the need for preparation in life. He spoke of the importance of education and the benefits that preparation brings to life. What really stuck out to me was his admonishment of not starting out great but then allowing oneself to fizzle out near the end. I think I've really learned from my mistake of second semester of senior year- senioritis. I don't want that to happen again. Anyways, as he was walking from the podium I had the opportunity to be within three feet of the man. It was a drastically humbling and powerful experience.
If that wasn't enough, Elder Holland came to speak to the students at BYU for the weekly Tuesday morning devotional. I have been blessed enough to see Elder Holland speak up close three times in the past year. My friend Jordan and I went a couple hours early and got a similar seat to the one I had on Sunday. His words really brought the spirit to me. He spoke of Lot's wife and her mistake in the longing for the wickedness and sin of her past. He spoke about not living in the mistakes or blunders of the past, or living in the fear of the future. He stressed that we must charge forward with confidence and find joy in the here and now. He also commanded of us that we must bring each other up instead of bringing each other down by bringing up the past.
After it was over I had the chance to shake his hand and thank him for his sacrifice in the church. I am so blessed, this was my second chance to thank and shake his hand in the past year.
I have a testimony that I would still have even if I never got the chance to see these glorious men in person. They are men called of God to do His work here on the earth. The words they speak are truth and scripture and have shaped my life and testimony.